Thursday, 13 May 2010


Joseph Smith, the genius mind behind JC Webster the third?
My radio sources tell me off a lowly radio techie named Joseph Smith, a man who has proclaimed himself to be 'Gods 10 star general', JC webster III.
In rambling messages to an internet message board in 2008 he explains about his NEW REVELATIONS, ISULTATIONS AND DISGUSTATIONS. Now, he has come clean.
"I am JC Webster III, yes. I play JC, a horrid preacher man. I am he, his voice. My name is Joe, the voice actor behind JC" He tells me in an email message.
...."I has a rough childhood, left home at 11 and my only companion really was my radio and its my best friend. Then one night, while I was living in Canada with my Jewish wife, Mena, we overheard this guy Art Bell talking about UFO's and all that sort of crazy jazz. Mena, said I should put on one of my voices and I did her favourite, the fat, little, bald man preacher 'JC'. I'd sort of contort my body and neck, you know. Become JC. I'd been doing the character in the comedy and gay clubs for a while. It just seemed popular. I had little catchphrases I could blurt out "HOW DARE YOU!" and "I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THIS KIND OF INSULTATION" and the crowd would lap it up. Then I'd script. Come with crazy, sometimes unbelievable stories. I went on stage as JC, and became him. When the audience saw me, I was JC. I Joseph Smith, am JC. There is no other. The others are just FRAUDULATORS, as JC would say. In fake there are a few of these evil doers, who go about stealing my creation. One has a twitter page. Another, hangs about on a message board ranting as JC, and there's more.
So '95 rolls by and that's it, I pluck up the courage to phone C2C with Art Bell, and it snowballed from there. It's been crazy. I think I did my 56th or 57th called in FEBRUARY and I want to do more, y'know. However, my personal life is a bit well, bad. I was thrown out of Canada in 2000, for my part in a communist coup' attempt and spent several months in prison. This explains why I never called in for quite a while. It was hell, but you cope. I still allign myself with the reds, but I'm less of a coup type these day. In fact, I'm chilled out. Trek is a big part of my life and I'm looking to get involved somewhere, perhaps even bringing the JC character to the fore and seeing if I can get in the next Star Trek film. You never know. As JC, I rant against Trek, and the actors, but this couldn't be further from the truth. William Shatner is a dear friend, a guiding spirit and true gentleman. He is like a father to me.
Other than that, there could be a potential JC movie in the works. I've sent my script off to several of the studios in Hollywood and the feedback has been great. The JC film is a gay interest drama about the JC you hear on the radio and the real JC, if indeed he were real. My JC, is a closet homosexual who hates women, questions his faith and is slowly falling in love with the compound's stable boy. I don't want to give away to much, but Ang Lee tells me this could be as powerful as Brokeback Mountain. There's even talk of Mel Gibson taking the lead. Fingerscrossed. Anyway, toodle-loo, ttfn.
Kind Regards, Joe Smith."

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