Friday 21 May 2010

Classic JC #2 "Bigfoot is of the DEVIL!"

April 19th 1996, The first ever JC call to C2C...

Art: "I li- I wish Bigfoot were my dad!"
J.C.: "Oh! Well you know what? Bigfoot is of the DEVIL! If he is anything!"
Art: (laughs) "Here we go!"
J.C.: "It is demonic doings that are trying to deceive good Christian.."
Art: "Demonic? Demonic doings from the Devil, right?"
J.C.: "As YOU are! Ask that caller that called the other night- You ARE 'Satan's Mouthpiece!' You just walk with the Devil! You're just tryin' to deceive Chris- Good Christian Americans!"

Full Transcript of this call on the now archived deepspire JC site HERE

Thursday 20 May 2010

Classic JC #1 "YOU WOMAN!"

JC's take on women drivers in this classic call...

"Women shouldn't be on the road, I almost got clobbered in my truck today by some woman driver. And I screamed at her "YOU WOMAN! GET OFF THE ROAD!"

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Shocking twist in the tale of the 'real' JC. Sex change op!

JC WEBSTER IS NO MORE. Today at 11am, he went into the sex change operating theater in the Philippines and came out as JAYCEE WEBSTER. He/She now wants to be refereed to as JAYCEE WEBSTER. "I couldn't go on continuing this lie." Jaycee said today. "I am a new woman. Please call me JAYCEE." Jaycee's breasts go in tommorrow. "I will be complete" She says.

Monday 17 May 2010

Best of Coast to Coast Whackery (Video)

Best video EVER...

'JC' Movie - first shot of William Shatner* as 'JC'

*William Shatner as JC - This is only a speculative rumor, so far. This mock up is courtesy of 6X3 studios, graphics department.

Sunday 16 May 2010

More of the script from 'The Compound and The Heart'

This is the simply amazing opening scene to the 'JC' movie.

The Compound and the Heart
Scene 01, page 01
San Francisco, Mid 70's. A stocky gay man is walking down a crowded and lively street in the heart of the gay community. The camera pans around, but sticks on the man, strolling effeminately. The Man suddenly stops, his laces on one of his shoes has come undone. He bends down to do them up.
Party Man: Hey fella, what'ya doing.
Man: My laces keep coming on done, what does it look like!?
Party Man: Oh chill, man. Just being nice. I like you, girlfriend. See'yah around.
Man: Will do, Partyman. Ladyboyz on Friday night, 9 sharp.
Out of nowhere a scary wild-eyed man approaches the man doing his laces up. He is holding a sign 'HOMOSEXUALS BURN IN BOILING PIT OF SEWAGE AFTER DEATH- FOLLOW THE NEW REVELATION'.
JB: You must rebuke satan and gayness, my child. Follow my new revelations, son and you will be saved.
The man looks up as JB speaks, he has seen him before.
Man: Huh, Jonathan, that you. It is you! I ain't see you in the longest. What you doing man.
JB Oh, Nathaniel. My god. I don't have these insultations!
The preacher runs away, throws his placard into the street and heads towards a group of people dressed in blue uniforms with with the words 'New revelations against Faggotry' on, across the chest.
JB: People! Attention! People.... Men! Woman! Attention! There is no hope for them, we must Leave, at once! If not we risk being contaminated by these vile urchins of evil. They are all satan incarnate! At once, back in the bus, we must flee for our lives! Our eternal souls depend on it.
The group following JB are terrified, as if running from a volcano or bomb, they flee towards a bus. It roars, and then speeds away with JB driving. Out of control and in a fit of pure rage JB runs down the man, he knew, Nathaniel. Nathaniel's body is thrown through the air in a spectacular specials effects shot. The body then lies slumped on the ground, lifeless, with blood forming a puddle. A horrified and curious crowd circles the body and the camera the pans up into the heavens above. The bus can still be seen in this shot, speeding away. The title of the film shows 'THE COMPOUND AND THE HEART - A TRUE STORY'
Flashback sequence, Two years earlier. Two men are cavorting in a pubic park. They have just picked each other up. They are roaming homosexuals - Cottagers.
Handsome Charlie: So my friend, what's you name.
Johnathan: Er, John. People call me 'The Cowboy' back home though.
Handsome Charlie: Oh, I've had a few - Cowboys, sweetheart.
Jonathan: Oh, haha. Your pretty funny.
The two embrace and kiss. An onlooking father shields his sons eyes from the sight of the two men. Charlie takes offence to this.
Handsome Charlie: Hey asshole, this in a public park in San Francisco, never seen a queer or two before!
Johnathan: How dare you! You're a rude man!
Johnathan gets up and walks away, leaving handsome Charlie alone, sitting in the park.
Some months later.
Nathaniel: Hey, Cowboy, what's up.
Johnathan: Stop calling me that. I'm Johnathan Benjamin Weston JR II, Or JB. As of today, I head back to IDAHO. I shall walk back home and set up my ministry.
Nathaniel: Ministry! Ministry for fags, like us!
JB: NO! I am DISGUSTATED! God has spoken to me, I am to write his new book, the new revelations and the new new commandments.
Nathaniel: You're fucking weird, man. I don't need this shit. I had shit day and you start joking with this shit. Fuck you, cowboy! Fuck you!
JB: Goodbye, FAGTHANIEL! See you next, when I push you into the boiling pit of shit! You Satanist!
What follows in a long series of takes (montage) showing JB walking back to Idaho, getting back and building his compound, preaching to strangers, bringing in disciple and on up to the present day. [music]Cusco's INCA DANCE plays during montage.
Thanks to Joey Smith.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Phony JC sabotages C2C archive site!

In a desperate act to keep his phony persona intact 'Faux JC' has hacked into Don's Coast to Coast archive site and taken it off the internet.
Joey Smith had this to say - "This man is obviously under the control of some Devil monster of some kind. To take such a site off the internet is utter sacrilege. He is a Fraudulator and Devil, an evil, wicked human being. There is only one JC Webster, me, the voice actor. He is my character. I fear for the man's life. This action will not go unpunished, everyone knows that the site is used by the Canadian Communists who like shows on Bigfoot. They need constant access to that site, in case there's any Bigfoot updates. Hey, I'm communist myself, I know what these people are like and our likes. We like state totalitarianism and bigfoot. "
